Ayurvedic Skin Type
Ayurveda can help you to identify your ayurvedic skin type. Everyone has a unique type of skin, which is categorized under three headings:
Each ayurvedic skin type has distinctive characteristics. According to type of the skin, you may require special products for skin care. This approach helps to get better skin health, improves glow, and prevents skin diseases. Let’s now discuss about each type of ayurvedic skin types:
Vata Skin Type
Vata Skin Type is also called Vataj Skin Type. Vata Dosha affects the main characteristics of the skin. It has the following characteristics:
- Facial skin appears rough.
- Skin has no or very little moisturization and is likely to be dry.
- The texture of skin is rough.
- Skin appears to be thin and delicate.
- Skin color seems matte type and dark.
- It has dull complexion.
- Skin pores are small.
- Skin is cool to touch; feet and hands stay cool most of time.
- Your skin tends to have cracks.
- Your skin is tolerable to sun or heat.
- You have less sweating or perspiration.
- Eye lashes are dry, thin and scanty.
- Cheeks are sunken and appear dry.
- Your skin cannot tolerate dry, cold, windy weather. In such season, you are more prone to skin diseases.
- Skin appears healthier during damp or wet hot weather.
- Your skin is prone to dryness, early wrinkling, cracked skin, and cracked feet.
Pitta Skin Type
Pitta Skin Type is also called Pittaj Skin Type. Pitta Dosha affects the main characteristics of the skin. It has the following characteristics:
- Facial skin appears delicate.
- Skin is slightly oily. It has moderate level of moisturization.
- Texture of skin is soft.
- Skin thickness is medium and appears delicate.
- Skin color appears softly lustrous with pink and reddish skin.
- It has smooth and glowing complexion.
- Skin pores are medium or average.
- You feel warmness in the skin; feet and hands are warm to touch.
- Your skin tends to have a lot of moles, skin eruptions, or freckles.
- Your skin is less tolerant of the sun. You may have photo-sensitivity. Your skin might also be prone to sunburns.
- You have excessive sweating or perspiration.
- Eye lashes are thin, scanty, but don’t appear dry.
- Cheeks are flat and appear smooth.
- Your skin cannot tolerate hot weather. In hot season, you are more prone to skin diseases, especially with burning sensation or heat sensation.
- Your skin appears healthier during cool weather.
- Your skin is prone to skin discoloration, skin inflammation, rashes, burning sensation in the skin, premature wrinkling, blackheads, and whiteheads.
Kapha Skin Type
Kapha Skin Type is also called Kaphaj Skin Type. Kapha Dosha affects the main characteristics of the skin. It has the following characteristics:
- Facial skin appears delicate and pleasing.
- Skin has excessive moisturization and appears to be oily and greasy.
- The texture of skin is softer and plump.
- Skin is thicker.
- Skin color appears luster.
- It has smooth and unctuous (oily) complexion.
- Skin pores are large.
- You may feel your skin wet cold or normal (neither cool nor warm).
- Your skin tends to have excessive oiliness.
- Your skin is more tolerant of the sun.
- You have normal or moderate sweating or perspiration.
- Eye lashes are long and appears oily.
- Cheeks appears plump.
- Your skin cannot wet weather. In wet weather, you are more prone to skin diseases, especially itching.
- Your skin appears healthier during dry and hot weather.
- Your skin is prone to itching, and excessive oiliness.
From above characteristics, you can identify your ayurvedic skin type.