Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a group of lung diseases including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Block airflow and breathing trouble are major concerns that may occur due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Any type of treatment cannot reverse the damage occurs to lungs due to inflammation of bronchial tubes and emphysema. Therefore, ayurvedic treatment can only help minimizing the symptoms and stopping further damage to the lungs.

Ayurvedic medicines for COPD

Following ayurvedic medicines help in COPD treatment.

Sitopaladi Churna

Sitopaladi Churna is a common ayurvedic remedy used in almost all types of respiratory diseases. It provides strength to the lungs. It eases breathing and reduces wheezing and chest congestion. It helps alleviating inflammation of linings of bronchial tubes. Furthermore, it is also a preventive and immuno-modulator ayurvedic mixture of herbs, which help stopping progress of COPD.

Adhatoda Vasica (Vasa or Adulsa)

Adhatoda Vasica (Vasaka) or Adulsa is a good remedy for reducing associated infections and easing breathing. It is beneficial when sputum is thick, white, yellow or greenish.

Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa)

Pushkarmool (Inula racemosa) is a good remedy for COPD breathing troubles and wheezing. It is beneficial for reducing wheezing and chest congestion. It eases in breathing and reduces mucus production in the lungs.

Some people have to clear throat first in the morning after waking up. It occurs due to excess mucus production in the lungs. In such condition,  Pushkarmool is more beneficial.

Licorice (Mulethi)

Licorice (Mulethi) is used when patient has trouble in coughing up sputum and suffers with dry cough. It has soothing effects on the lungs and rectifies the mucus production. It is more beneficial if you have yellow or greenish sputum.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is generally given to all patients with COPD due to its rejuvenating and strengthening effects. It reduces tiredness, frequency of breathing troubles and cough attacks.

Abhrak Bhasma

The main concern of using Abhrak bhasma in COPD is to stop further damage to the lungs and control mucus production in the lungs. Abhrak bhasma is beneficial when there is no problem in expelling out sputum from the lungs and sputum is thin.


You should not use Abhrak bhasma if you have trouble in expelling sputum and excessive wheezing is present. It may worsen the condition. It is only used when there is no thick sputum present in the lungs. Otherwise, it can dry up the thick mucus in the lungs and cause more breathing trouble.

However, along with Praval Pishti and Licorice (Mulethi), Abhrak bhasma is safer in such cases with difficulty in expelling out sputum and pain in lungs, but unwise use of combination may harm. Check your all symptoms and conditions with your ayurvedic doctor.

Tankan Bhasma

Tankan Bhasma is used when patient need expectorant medicines to expel the sputum out. It liquefies the thick sputum and help in eliminating it naturally.

Shringa Bhasma

Shringa Bhasma is also used for its expectorant action. It is more potent as compared to Tankan Bhasma. It also reduces chest congestion, chest pain, wheezing and breathing trouble. It should be used only when patient has productive cough with COPD.

Consult for the best ayurvedic treatment of COPD here: AYURVEDIC CONSULTATION


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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.

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  1. Very good information about ayurvedic remedies for COPD. I had Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for several years. I found your remedies relieve chest tightness and shortness of breath.

  2. I just want to add some more information in this article. The best results are seen in COPD with Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras (Gold). The medicines explained in the article are basics and in Ayurveda, we have a lot of options to cure COPD. I think author avoided to add Ras Medicines in the article. Ras Medicines are only solution to COPD in ayurveda.

  3. I wish to use pushkarmool powder/ Laxmi Vilas Ras vati / Giloy to treat my 5 month old chronic cough / congestion condition with thin colorless sputum difficult to expel. Problem more pronounced after meals and night. I am male 71 years , lean body, healthy habits and sound digestion. Kindly advise how best to use these medicines from your outstanding knowledge and experience.
    Many thanks for your excellent website.

    1. Medicines seem to be good. However, don’t use Laxmi Vilas Ras for a long period. You should consult an ayurvedic practitioner for more detail.

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