Dantyarishta (Dantyarishtam)
Dantyarishta (Dantyarishtam) has digestive action. It improves digestion and assimilation of the food. It improves appetite and reduces gas formation in the gut. It is useful in cases of malabsorption syndrome, constipation, non-bleeding piles or hemorrhoids, anemia, and anorexia.
Dantyarishta Ingredients (Composition)
Ingredient | Quantity |
Kwath Dravya (Herbs for Decoction) | : |
Danti (Dantimool or Hastidanti) – Baliospermum Montanum | 1 Part |
Chitrakmool – Plumbago Zeylanica | 1 Part |
Brihat Panchamoola | 5 Parts |
Laghu Panchamoola | 5 Parts |
Triphala | 3 Parts |
Water | 256 Parts |
Prepare a decoction from all above herbal ingredients and 256 Parts water. Reduce it to 64 Parts liquid content/decoction. Then leave it for cooling. Filter the decoction. When decoction is slightly warm, add the following ingredients. | |
Gur – Jaggery | 50 Parts |
Dhataki Flower- Woodfordia Fruticosa | 16 Parts |
- After mixing these ingredients, seal the asava vessel with a clay-smeared cloth. Leave it for 30 days in Asava place.
- After 30 days, filter the liquid (Dantyarishta) and preserve it in food-grade bottles.
Pharmacological Actions
Dantyarishta has following medicinal properties:
- Aam Pachak (Detoxifier)
- Eccritic (promote discharge or ejection of waste matter from the body)
- Digestive stimulant
- Appetizer
- Hepatic stimulant
- Purgative
- Colon detox
- Carminative
- Antiflatulent
Dosha Karma
Dantyarishtam mainly reduces and Kapha Dosha and alleviate Vata Dosha. It has overall hot potency and it is not suitable for people having symptoms of increased or aggravated Pitta Dosha.
Therapeutic Indications
Dantyarishtam is helpful in following health conditions.
- malabsorption syndrome
- constipation
- non-bleeding piles or hemorrhoids
- anemia
- anorexia
- Loss of appetite
- Flatulence and intestinal gas
- Bloating
Dantyarishtam Dosage
The general dosage of Dantyarishtam is as follows. | |
Children (above the age of 5 years) | 2.5 to 10 ml |
Adults | 10 to 30 ml |
Maximum Possible Dosage | 60 ml Per Day (in divided doses) |
Doses: Twice a day with equal amount of water | |
Best Time to Take: After Food |
Safety Profile
Dantyarishtam is possibly safe for most individuals when taken as per its indications in appropriate dosage under professional supervision.
Side Effects of Dantyarishtam
Dantyarishtam is most suitable for an individual with increased or aggravated Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha. There are no side effects if Dantyarishta is used wisely as per Dosha analysis. In some people, it can cause following side effects:
- Burning sensation in the abdomen
- Gastritis
- Hyperacidity
- Loose stools
- Vertigo
If these symptoms appear, Dantyarishtam should be immediately stopped and seek medical advice for an alternative remedy.
Dantyarishtam should not be taken in following cases:
- Pregnancy
- Acid Reflux and GERD
- Gastritis
- Heartburn
- Hyperacidity
- Inflammatory bowel diseases – ulcerative colitis
- Mouth ulcer
- Peptic ulcer
- Vertigo
Pregnancy & Lactation
Dantyarishta contains Chitrak and Dantimool, which can increase uterine contractions and may promote uterine bleeding. Therefore, pregnant women should not take Dantyarishta.
The safety profile of Dantyarishta is not well established for lactating mothers. Consult an ayurvedic physician before using Dantyarishta during lactation.