Asava & Arishta

Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmularishta) Benefits, Uses & Dosage

Dasamoolarishtam (also spelled as Dashmularishta or Dashmoolarishta) is an ayurvedic liquid medicine used as health tonic and pain reliever. It contains 3 to 7% self-generating alcohol because it is prepared through the fermentation of herbs. It provides vitality and reduces weakness. It is also very beneficial for women disorders and helps women to keep optimum health. In women, it is commonly used after delivery for the prevention of postpartum problems including infectious diseases of uterus, bladder and kidneys, backache, fatigue, pain of perineal area, excess discharge, Postpartum depression, sluggish uterus, swollen breasts etc. It also provides strength to muscles, bones and ligaments and improves immunity. Due to this reason, it becomes famous for women in India and it becomes a common remedy for postpartum problems.


Dashmool (Ten roots) are combination of 10 herbs. These 10 roots are main ingredients of Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmularishta). Here is its list.

Scientific NameCommon Name
Aegle marmelosBilva root (golden apple tree)
Premna integrifoliaAgnimantha root
Oroxylum indicumShyonaka root
Stereospermym suaveolensPatala root
Gmelina arboreaKashmari/Gambhari root
Solanum indicumBrihati root
Solanum xanthocarpumKantakari root
Desmodium gangeticumShalaparni root
Uraria pictaPrishnaparni root
Tribulus terrestrisGokshura root

Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmoolarishta) contains following other ingredients in addition to water, honey, jaggery (gur).

Scientific NameCommon Name
Plumbago zeylanicaChitrak
Inula racemosaPushkaramula
Symplocos racemosaLodhra
Tinospora cordifoliaGiloy/Guduchi
Emblica OfficinalisAmla (Indian Gooseberry)
Fagonia creticaDhamasa/Duralabha
Acacia catechuKhadira
Pterocarpus marsupiumVijayasar
Terminalia chebulaHareetki
Saussurea lappaKuth/Kushta
Rubia cordifoliaManjishta
Cedrus deodaraDeodar
Embelia ribesVidanga (False Black Pepper)
Glycyrrhiza GlabraMulethi (Yashtimadhu) – Licorice
Clerodendrum serratumBharangi
Feronia limoniaKaith/katha/Kapitha
Terminalia belliricaBhibitaki (behra)
Boerhavia diffusaPunarnava
Piper retrofractumChavya
Nordostachys jatamansi – spikenardJatamansi
Callicarpa macrophyllaPriyangu
Hemidesmus indicusSariva
Bunium persicumKala jeera (black cumin)
Operculina turpethumTrivrit
Vitex negundoNirgundi
Pluchea lanceolataRasna
Piper longumPippali (long pepper)
Areca catechuPuga (Betel nut)
Hedychium spicatumShati
Curcuma longaHaldi (Turmeric)
Foeniculum vulgareSaunf (Fennel Seeds)
Prunus cerasoidesPadmaka
Mesua ferreaNagkesar
Cyperus rotundusMustak (Nut grass)
Holarrhena antidysentericaIndrayava
Pistacia integerrimakakar singhi/ Karkatashringi
Pueraria tuberosaJivaka
Microstylis wallichiiRishabhaka
Polygonatum cirrhifoliumMeda
Asparagus racemosusShatavari
Withania somniferaAshwangandha
Dioscorea bulbiferaZimikand
Vitis ViniferaDraksha (Raisins)
Woodfordia fruticosaDhataki
Piper cubebaKabab-chini/Kankola (Cubeb pepper)
Coleus vettiveroidesJala
Santalum albumChandan
Myristica fragransJatiphala   (nutmeg)
Syzygium aromaticumLaung (Clove)
Cinnamomum zeylanicumDalchini (Cinnamon)
Elettaria cardamomumEla (cardamom)
Cinnamomum tamalaTejpatta
Strychnos potatorumNirmali/KatakaPhal

Medicinal Properties

Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmoolarishta) has following healing properties.

  1. Anti-inflammatory
  2. Anti-arthritic
  3. Carminative
  4. Digestive Stimulant
  5. Haematinic (increases hemoglobin levels)
  6. Hematogenic (helps in formation of red blood cells)
  7. Mild natural Analgesic
  8. Muscle relaxant
  9. Mild anthelmintic (due to vidanga)
  10. Antioxidant
  11. Antibacterial
  12. Adaptogenic
  13. Anti-stress
  14. Antidepressant

Therapeutic Indications

Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmularishta) is helpful in following health conditions.

Women Health

  • Dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps)
  • Recurrent miscarriage
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Backache
  • Uterus sluggishness
  • Perineal pain
  • Swollen breasts
  • For prevention of uterine infections and Postpartum complications
  • Postpartum fatigue
  • Postpartum appetite loss
  • Postpartum depression (baby blues) along with Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
  • Postpartum weakness
  • Anemia after pregnancy

Brain & Nerves

  • Neuralgia
  • Sciatica

Muscle, Bones & Joints

  • Muscle spasm
  • Low backache
  • Rheumatoid arthritis

Digestive Health

  • Loss of appetite
  • Indigestion
  • Gas
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – rarely used
  • Jaundice
  • Piles

Lungs & Airways

  • Persistent cough (VATAJ KASH)

Men’s Health

  • Male infertility due to pus in seminal fluid

Dashmularishta Uses & Benefits

Dasamoolarishtam (Dashmoolarishta) is beneficial in all above diseases. According to ayurveda, it pacifies VATA and provides strength to the body. It also detoxifies uterus and removes toxins. Therefore, it is generally used immediately after delivery. Now, we discuss about some important medicinal uses and benefits of Dasamoolarishtam.

Use of Dasamoolarishtam in Postpartum period

In ayurveda, Dasamoolarishtam is an important medicine used in the management of all postpartum complications. Its regular use after delivery has following benefits.

  1. Loss of appetite: In most cases, loss of appetite and indigestion occur after delivery. Due to its digestive stimulant property, Dashmularishta improves appetite and helps treating indigestion in postpartum period.
  2. Postpartum Fever: Some women also suffer from fever, which can be low-grade and high grade. Dasamoolarishtam is beneficial in both types. In acute fever, Dashmularishta helps fighting off infectious microbes and decreases the intensity of symptoms such as restlessness, headache, discharges, pain, etc. Please note patient may require other medicines to fight off the infection. Nowadays, antibiotics are used. In ancient India, dasamoolarishtam and madhurantak vati, praval pishti were only available options.
  3. Postpartum diarrhoea and IBS: However, it is very rare, but some women develop diarrhoea or IBS after delivery. In such condition, Dasamoolarishtam alone can help due to its mild astringent action.
  4. Physical weakness: Dasamoolarishtam contains some herbs, which provides vitality and improves physical strength. After a huge physical exhaustion during the delivery, it provides relief from pain, physical stress and supports joints, muscles and ligaments.
  5. Low backache after delivery: Many women have low backache after delivery. In some cases, back stiffness is also associated. In such condition, Dasamoolarishtam along with Ashwagandha extract is more beneficial.
  6. Improves Immunity: Dashmoolarishta also improves immunity due to presence of some immunomodulator herbs. If it is started immediately after delivery, it reduces about 90% health problems that may occur in postpartum period or thereafter.

Recurrent Miscarriage

According to ayurveda, recurrent miscarriage occurs due to inability of uterus to implant the embryo properly. It occurs due to weakness of uterine muscles. Many doctors and patients experience there is no visible or reportable cause of recurrent miscarriages in many women. All reports are normal. In such case, the above cause is most appropriate. In such case, the following combination with Dasamoolarishtam helps well.

Ayurvedic RemedyDosage (Twice Daily)
Dasamoolarishtam20 ml or 4 tsp. with water
Ashwagandha Powder2 grams with milk
Putrajeevak Seeds1 gram
Shivlingi Seeds1 gram

Note: The above formulation includes Ashwagandha Powder, which can increase weight in some women. It is very good for lean women. However, taking Ashwagandha is very important to cure recurrent miscarriage. If you already overweight, then you can decrease its quantity to 500 mg twice a day.

Physical debility due to chronic Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

However, Dasamoolarishtam is not a potent medicine for IBS, but it improves appetite, reduces bloating and provides strength to the body. Many patients with IBS experience weakness. In such condition, Dashmularishta is more beneficial.

Male infertility due to pus in seminal fluid

Men having pus in seminal fluid can take advantages from the Dasamoolarishtam. Triphala is another remedy of this condition. For more beneficial results, both one should use both together. In chronic and obstinate cases, Rajat Bhasma becomes essential. It is prepared from the silver metal.

Ayurvedic RemedyDosage (Twice Daily)
Dasamoolarishtam20 ml or 4 tsp. with water
Triphala Powder3 grams after meal

Persistent cough

Dasamoolarishtam is useful in cases of persistent cough in which dry cough attacks occur and it subsides after a few sputum expulsions. In ayurveda, this type of cough is called as VATAJ KASHA. In such condition, Dashmoolarishta should be given in dosage of 10 ml after every 2 hours until the cough subsides completely.


According to ayurveda, Osteoporosis occurs due to excess VATA and VATA aggravation in the bones. Dasamoolarishtam is drug of choice for VATA aggravation. Therefore, it is beneficial in Osteoporosis, but patient also require other medicines including Laxadi Guggulu and other calcium and mineral supplements.

Dashmularishta Dosage

Dasamoolarishtam20 ml or 4 tsp. with equal amount of water immediately after meal

The maximum daily dosage of Dashmoolarishta is 60 ml.

Caution & Side Effects

Dasamoolarishtam is POSSIBLY SAFE & WELL-TOLERATED in most people. There are no side effects reported with it. It is also POSSIBLY SAFE in breastfeeding because it increases breast milk supply.


However, Dashmularishta has some contraindications and if it is used in such conditions, it may worsen the problem. Here are its contraindications.

  1. Mouth ulcer
  2. Burning sensation in abdomen
  3. Heartburn
  4. Excessive thirst
  5. Diarrhea with burning sensation

In all above symptoms, you should not use Dashmoolarishta. In such cases, the best alternative is Jeerakarishtam. It provides almost similar benefits in people with these symptoms.

FAQs about Dashmoolarishta

Does dashmulsrishtam have an expiry?

According to ancient literature, all types of Arishta and Asava including Dashmularishta are best when they are old and do not have any expiry. However, nowadays, the expiry date is mentioned on many Arishta and Asava formulations, which can vary from 5 to 10 years.

Can prolonged use of Dashmoolarishta cause damage to the liver?

No, Dashmoolarishta does not cause any liver damage. It is a safe formulation for the liver. Actually, most of its ingredients are likely to improve the liver functions.

How long can we take Dashmoolarishta?

There is no specified duration for the use of Dashmoolarishta. Generally, minimum recommended duration of treatment with it is about 3 to 6 months. It is also safe to use for a longer duration under the supervision of an ayurvedic physician.

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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.

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  1. Most of women gain weight after giving birth to child. You have written Dashmoolarishta should be used after pregnancy and explained its benefits. My question is – Does Dashmularishta can be used for weight loss? Does it help to prevent weight gain after pregnancy?

  2. I already have mouth ulcer .. its mentioned in contraindications that not to be taken during mouth ulcer … But i have this mouth ulcer even before i start taking this .. what should i do ?? …take the medicine aftr the mouth ulcer gets cured or to start taking the medicine for now on ??

  3. My baby has has got some small rashes and flaky scalp doctor told its due to dryness. Will me taking dashmoolarishta help him? What quantity do u suggest?

  4. This is my first time on this site. I am 36yrs old and I have a daughter of 6yrs.From some months I am having menstrual problems. Can I take dashmoolarisht or Ashokarisht to reduce the problem or I can take both? If there are not any issues in taking both.
    Can I take dashmoolarisht and ashokarisht together, if there is no any side effects.

    1. Dashmularishta is helpful in pelvic inflammatory disease and cleansing the uterus.

      Ashokarishta is a valuable remedy for women that have heavy bleeding. However, if you have menstrual irregularities and scanty periods, it is not a suitable remedy.

      Both medicines can be taken together if recommended by a doctor.

  5. In an article on, I read a case of patient suffers from severe liver injury who consume Dashmoolarishta.

    What is the truth regarding that article?

    1. We also read the said article.

      First, the patient was taking very high dosage of Dashamoolarishtam (120 to 150 ml four times a day), which is not suggestible. So, the patient was taking around 40 ml alcohol a day from this medicine. Over-dosage of everything is always bad.

      Second, the patient was also consuming pineapple juice that contains high amount of pesticides. It is also a cause of hepatitis and liver injury.

      Third, alcohol is not only the cause of liver disease. There are also other factors play a role in the development of liver disease. Many people are consuming more alcohol than the patient was taking, not all suffer from liver disease.

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