How Is Mozzarella Cheese Made?

Mozzarella Cheese is originated in Italy. Traditionally, it is made from the water buffalo’s milk. This milk is high in casein, which is difficult to digest in raw form. But Mozzarella is easily digestible. In this article, we will discuss a brief process of how mozzarella cheese is made in a factory.
1. Pasteurization of Milk
First, the milk is heated at 72 degrees Celsius. This step yields soft-bodied cheese with a superior sensory flavor and keeping quality, as compared to cheese made from raw milk. A rise in the heating temperature (82 degrees Celsius) reduces the flowability and stretchability of the melted Mozzarella cheese. (1)
2. Homogenization
It is a physical process in which fat molecules in the milk are broken down so that they stay integrated rather than separating as cream. This provides greater stability to cheese against free oil formation. This step is advantageous in reducing fat leakage in cheese during baking. Rennet is then added to form curds. (2)
3. Cooking of Cheese Curd
Cooking reduces the moisture content of the cheese. It does not change the meltability and fat leakage properties of cheese, but the viscosity of melted cheese is greater. (3)
4. Stretching of Cheese Curd
This step in the manufacture of mozzarella cheese is crucial in developing the functional characteristics of the finished cheese. The curd is transferred to the stretcher, where a large portion of casein is dissociated from the micelles forming the longitudinal microstructure. (4)
5. Salting and Salt Content
Salting operation is carried out using a combination of dry and brine salting. It is reported that mozzarella cheese with higher salt content is less meltable and less stringy than cheese having lower salt content. (5)
Also Read: Mozzarella Cheese Health Benefits