Medicinal Plants

Shivlingi Beej (Seeds)

Shivlingi Beej or Shivlingi Seeds are used for the treatment of female infertility. It is a uterine tonic and improves the chances of conception in women suffering from infertility. It is fertility enhancer herb used in ayurveda along with Putrajeevak Beej. However, it has different ayurvedic properties and based on these properties, it reduces Kapha Dosha. Therefore, Shivlingi is more beneficial if the patient has more symptoms of increased or aggravated Kapha. It is not suitable if the patient has aggravated or increased Pitta Dosha.

Basic Information

Botanical NameBryonia Laciniosa
Botanical SynonymBryonopsis Laciniosa, Diplocyclos Palmatus
Common NameShivlingi, Gargumaru
Plant FamilyCucurbitaceae  – gourds or squashes
DistributionIndia – Madhya Pradesh Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttarakhand
HabitatTropical & subtropical regions

Medicinal Parts

  • Seeds – very commonly used

Shivlingi Beej or seeds are commonly used for the treatment of female infertility. Seeds have anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antimicrobial, analgesic, antihyperlipidemic, spermatogenic and antipyretic properties.

Shivlingi Climbed on A Tree

Phytochemistry (Chemical Composition)


Medicinal Properties

Shivlingi Beej has following healing properties.

  • Uterine tonic
  • Fertility booster
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Spermatogenic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anodyne
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Carminative
  • Anti-fungal
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antihyperlipidemic
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Antipyretic
Shivlingi Beej
Shivlingi Beej

Ayurvedic Properties

RASA (Taste)KATU (Pungent), TIKTA (Bitter)
GUNA (Main Quality)LAGHU (Light), RUKSHA (Dry), TIKSHNA (Sharp)
VIRYA (Potency)USHNA (Hot)
VIPAKA (Resultant)KATU (Pungent)
PRABHAVA (Action)Uterine Tonic
DOSHA KARMA (Effect on Humors)Pacifies Kapha Dosha and increases Pitta Dosha
Organs EffectUterus, Ovaries, and Testes
Main IndicationInfertility

Shivlingi Beej Indications

Shivlingi Beej is helpful in following health conditions.

  • Female infertility
  • Male infertility due Oligospermia
  • Impaired spermatogenesis
  • Asthenozoospermia – reduced spermatic motility
  • Teratospermia – defective or abnormal spermatic morphology
  • Constipation
  • Obesity & weight loss (when used alone)
  • Hyperglycemia & Diabetes

Shivlingi Beej Benefits & Medicinal Uses

Shivlingi Beej is a uterine tonic and promotes fertility. Shivlingi detoxifies the uterus, improves ovarian functions and corrects hormones imbalance.

Female Infertility

Shivlingi Beej promotes fertility and increases the chances of getting pregnant. It also helps to normalize the menstrual cycle if the patient has light periods with a little blood flow.

But if the patient has heavy blood flow during menstruation, then Shivlingi is contraindicated.

According to ayurvedic analysis, it is more beneficial if the patient is obese or overweight and has absent menses, light menstruation, having a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and feeling of puffiness or swelling during the premenstrual and menstrual period.

It is also beneficial if a woman with infertility suffering from depression along with a feeling of sadness and laziness, emotional eating, leucorrhea, increased sleep and swelling in legs or whole body.

If the patient has thick mucus during her period or yeast infection, then it is also most suitable. In such cases, Shivlingi should be used in maximum dosage and Putrajeevak Beej should not be used, or if required, then Putrajeevak can be taken in reduced dosage (around 500 to 1000 mg).

Most of the patients have mixed symptoms indicating an imbalance in Tridosha. In such cases, Shivlingi and Putrajeevak both should be taken in an equal proportion.

Along with Shivlingi, the patient should also get treatment of the underlying cause of her infertility. If there is no cause and periods are regular and normal, then Shivlingi and Putrajeevak Churna should be taken in an equal proportion for 3 to 6 months on regular basis. If you have some symptoms or any problem with your periods, you should also see your doctor for right proportion of Shivlingi and Putrajeevak Beej powders.Shivlingi Seed

Impotence & Oligospermia

In traditional medicine, Shivlingi is used as an aphrodisiac. It is fertility booster for men too. It increases masculinity and testosterone level in the body. It is considered as a potential testosterone booster. Due to this reason, it is used in men for treating impotence. Shivlingi seeds also have spermatogenic action. Therefore, Shivlingi seeds improve the spermatogenesis process and improve the total count. (1)

According to ayurveda, Shivlingi seeds are best in cases of impotence and oligospermia if the patient has excess Kapha Dosha or symptoms of increased or aggravated Kapha. Shivlingi reduces blockage of several channels in the body by clearing the excess Kapha and Aam. This mechanism also improves the supply of nutrients to the testes and blood flow to male reproductive organs, which ultimately helps to improve the process of spermatogenesis and treat impotence.

Fever Management

Shivlingi has antipyretic, anti-fever and anodyne effects. The antipyretic action of Shivlingi leaves is comparable with Paracetamol. (2)


Shivlingi contains GLUCOMANNAN, which is natural dietary fiber. It is a water soluble fiber and forms bulk in the intestine absorbing water content and aids bowel movement.

Obesity & Weight Loss

Shivlingi has anti-obesity action and its regular use reduces body weight and body mass index (BMI). Its anti-obesity action is likely to be attributed to its constituent GLUCOMANNAN, which is a good natural fiber helps for losing weight.


Shivlingi Beej Dosage

The general dosage of Shivlingi Beej is as follows.
Adults1 to 3 grams
Maximum Possible Dosage6 grams Per Day (in divided doses)
Doses: Twice a day with Milk; warm water for weight loss
Best Time to Take: 3 hours after meal
Recommended Treatment Duration: Minimum 3 months (some patients may require treatment with Shivlingi for 6 months or more depending on the health condition.)

Safety Profile

Shivlingi is considerably safe for most individuals when taken as per its indications in appropriate dosage under professional supervision. It is most suitable for patients that have Kapha Dosha aggravation and less suitable for people with increased Pitta Dosha.

Shivlingi Side Effects

There are no side effects of Shivlingi when used wisely according to Dosha and its indications.


Not known.

Allergic Reactions (Allergy)

Not known.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Shivlingi is possibly safe to consume during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

There are no side effects reported in women that take it for infertility treatment and unknowing consume it during the first trimester of pregnancy. There are no side effects and abnormalities observed on the fetus with Shivlingi.

Shivlingi Seeds
Shivlingi Seeds


There are no absolute contraindications for Shivlingi Beej.

Drug Interactions

Not known.

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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.

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  1. I am pregnant from 6 months 2 days. Can I eat Shivlingi Beej?

    I have 2 years girl. I desire second baby is boy. So, what I give with shivlingi beej.
    & in what proportion & when?
    Please give me suggestion.

    1. Male or female baby depends on chromosomes. Herbs or any remedy will not help much in this regard.

  2. Sir
    We are trying for baby, please guide us how to use Putrajeevak, shivlingi and phal ghrita.

  3. Hi

    Please could you provide information on how to take the Shivlingi Beej, i.e:
    1. Dosage
    2. What it can be consumed with
    3. When in the cycle it can be consumed and when it cannot be consumed.
    4. Dosage for when men take this, how often, and when.

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