Unani Medicine

Unani Medicine List

The Unani System of Medicine originated in Unani in Greece. It is an alternative medicine that is based on the teachings of Hippocrates. Hippocrates formed the theoretical framework of Unani Medicine after he freed the concepts of health from the realms of magic and superstition and gave it the status of science.

Learn More: Unani Medicine (Tibb-E Unani)

Category list of Unani Medicine


Here is Unani medicine index for the published articles on this website.

Habb (Unani Pill)

  1. Habb-E Suranjan


  1. Itrifal Ustukhuddus Benefits, Dosage & Side Effects


  1. Jawarish Jalinoos Uses, Dosage & Side Effects
  2. Jawarish Kamuni Uses, Dosage & Side Effects
  3. What is Jawarish


  1. Khamira Gaozaban Sada
  2. Khamira Marwareed


  1. What is Kushta?

Laboob (Labub)

  1. Labub Kabir (Laboob Kabir)

Majun (Electuaries)

  1. Anushdaru Lului
  2. Majun (Majoon) – Electuary
  3. Majun Arad Khurma
  4. Majun Azaraqi
  5. Majun Falasfa
  6. Majun Salab

Marham (Unani Ointment)

  1. What is Marham?


  1. What is Qurs?


  1. What is Safoof?

Sharbat (Unani)

  1. Sharbat Bazoori

Unani Arq (Distillate)

  1. Arq Badyan (Arq-e Badiyan)
  2. Arq E Mehzal Uses, Dosage & Side Effects
  3. Arq Kasni (Chicory Distillate)
  4. Arq Makoh (Kakamachi Arq)

Unani Proprietary Medicine

  1. Balooti Ingredients, Benefits, Uses, Dosage & Side Effects
  2. Hamdard Cinkara Syrup – Multivitamin Syrup and Tonic
  3. Hamdard Safi Blood Purifier

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Dr. Jagdev Singh

Dr. Jagdev Singh is a qualified Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist with B.A.M.S. and M. Sc. in Medicinal Plants. He has a wealth of experience in using Ayurveda to treat patients, including the use of herbal medicine and personalized Ayurvedic diets. His passion for spreading accurate and scientific information about Ayurveda and Medicinal Plants led him to create Ayur Times, a trusted resource for those seeking reliable information on the topic. Through his dedicated work, Dr. Singh has helped thousands of patients find relief and improve their health with Ayurveda and Herbal Medicine.
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